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Facilitation Services


We believe in the transformative power of deeply engaging experiences based on collaboration, innovation, and field-proven models. Our facilitators deliver expert training and guidance to align your teams with purpose for igniting meaningful change and generating powerful outcomes.

In Negotiation
Collective Bargaining & Negotiation

Most traditional bargaining operations are fraught with conflict and adversarial pressure tactics. Our Collaborative Bargaining Model delivers the tools you need to convert even the most brutal negotiations into innovative collaborations. Align your teams for co-innovation to crush your goals and generate powerful mutual gains.

Business Handshake
Supervisor Development​

Most supervisors lack significant training or education related to supervisory practices and employee engagement. Our highly experiential and context-specific supervisor development programs integrate high-impact principles of collaborative leadership, delivering an essential foundation for leadership success.

Office Buildings
Organizational Culture & Communication


The modern workforce demands ethical and socially responsible leadership. Activate your team’s potential and help shape your organizational culture for energized productivity, empowered collaboration and a workforce inspired through joint-ownership and co-innovation.

Transition From Adversarial Battling to Dynamic Joint Problem-Solving


Understand & Develop

We prioritize getting to know our clients because you deserve exceptional outcomes. Our team partners with you to conduct qualitative analysis to fully understand your operation and your specific needs, allowing us to build deeply engaging experiences perfectly aligned to your context and desired outcomes.


Plan & Commit

We incorporate best practices from transformative learning and collaborative leadership research to design custom integration plans for your teams. We pride ourselves on our world-class delivery of highly effective, field-proven training and facilitation models that prioritize buy-in and joint commitment from your people.


Implement & Grow

Our goal is to deliver long-term, sustained adoption and implementation,  partnering to guide you toward a highly effective and collaborative environment. Our professional facilitators guide your process creating the conditions for innovation, ownership, alignment, and productivity.

Book an Appointment

Schedule your opportunity now to join our leadership team in a live, one-on-one web conference to speak about your project and how we can team up to deliver powerful outcomes together.

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